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Group Students Smilling
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 @ ECCi

Good connections are vital in life, and at ECCi, we believe that for someone to thrive they should have a good connection with God with others and with themselves.
All that we do at ECCi is done with the intention of creating good connection points for those
3 areas to develop well. 
Throughout the year, ConneX will provide a range of opportunities for you to get connected such as;
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Connect Groups where you will meet on a regular basis for topical conversation, prayer and connection. 
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Periodic Bible Studies online and in person
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Opportunities for online and in-person prayer throughout the year
as well as prayer conferences and the Daniel Fast every January.
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A variety of places and spaces where we can come together for a
check-in and chat.
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Volunteering opportunities inside and outside of our church.
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Sunday morning will always be our primary point of connection.
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With: Joe Stephens, Pearline Stephens and
Charmain Alleyene.
Meeting: online on the first and third Friday of the month at 8.00pm.
Meeting for prayer on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month.
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With: Jackie Pathay,  Charmaine Pollard &
Christina Edwards
Meeting: in person on the first Sunday of the
month straight after church and on
the third Sunday of the month online from 6.00pm - 7.00pm
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With: Niyi and Crystal Jaiyesimi
Meeting: online on Thursdays, every three weeks from 7.30pm. Meeting in person once a quarter.
Anyone can attend, but there is a focus on new attendees at ECCi. 
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With:  Lois Lovell
Meeting: online fortnightly on Tuesdays from 7:45pm. 
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With: Chris Carpenter and Ezekiel Ngotho
Meeting: Fortnightly on Mondays at 8pm.

Anyone can join, but this group has a strong interest in prison ministry. 
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With: Edith White  and Camilla Bramble
Meeting: Online, fortnightly on Wednesdays from 8.00pm 
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With: Chloe Burke and Victor Remes
Meeting: Fortnightly on Wednesdays 7.30pm - 8.30pm
Via Zoom.

This group is for those aged between 18-30 and is part of Cultivate Young Adults ministry. 
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With: Carolyn Lovell
Meeting: on Sunday mornings during the ministry and once a quarter for social events. 

This group supports those with special educational needs


Small Group Leaders Resources 

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